Regional Policies and Development
Master academic studies Regional Policies and Development have been developed as an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study programme dealing with the spatial, managerial, economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable regional development. It is a continuation of the programmes at undergraduate academic studies in a number of disciplines and profiles, and is also intended for employees in municipal, provincial and republic institutions that deal with planning, management and development of cities and regions.
Through Master studies in Regional Policies and Development, students acquire knowledge and competencies in complementary areas of sustainable development and regional policies and programmes of the European Union, metropolitan areas, strategic management, economic, social and transition aspects, participatory processes, contemporary methods and technologies in urbanism, as well as other relevant dimensions of regional and urban development. The aim of the programme is to train students to become experts for the development, implementation and coordination of projects and strategies for sustainable urban and regional development in the country and abroad. Through active teaching and independent work, students master the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for professional work in this field, creating a solid methodological foundation for dealing with the future profession of Master of Science in Regional Policies and Development.
The study programme was initially established in collaboration with the Department of Geography and Regional Sciences of the University of Karl-Franzens in Graz, and supported by the World University Service – WUS Austria. From the international reviewers hired by this organization, the programme received high grades regarding the concept, content and quality of the proposed curriculum. The study programme has been improved over time through international projects implemented at the Faculty of Technical Sciences; projects that stand out are the Jean Monnet European module “Regional Development as a Modality of European Integration” (RegEU), co-financed by the European Commission, and “Fostering education on participatory processes in urban and regional planning” (V4Participation), supported by the Višegrad Fund.
The study programme was re-accredited in 2020 for lecturing in both Serbian and English. The head of the programme is Prof. Dr Milica Vračarić.