Master Academic Studies
The name of this study program of Master Academic Studies is Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture. Upon completion of the study program, the student acquires the academic title: Master of Architecture (M. Arch.).
The outcome of the learning process at this level of study is the knowledge that allows students to advance problems and tasks in the field of architecture through work with specialized software tools, programming techniques, modeling and visualization in architecture, the use of professional literature, the application of knowledge in solving specific problems in the profession or continuation of studies at the doctoral level (if they so choose). In order to enroll, a candidate must have completed the first cycle of academic studies (bachelor academic studies), in the field of architecture (technical sciences and technology), which are evaluated with at least 240 ECTS.
The study program of the master’s academic studies in Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture lasts one year and is worth 60 ECTS. This study program includes required and elective courses, practical work (internship) and master thesis. The program comprises three required courses and three elective positions where students choose courses that suit their personal interests. The course outlines and their types are given in the Curriculum of the study program and in the tables of course specifications. Each course curriculum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to focus on the concrete issues that are specific to a particular area of digital technologies in the field of architecture.
The courses in this study program last one semester and bring an appropriate number of ECTS credits. The standards stipulate that one ECTS point corresponds to approximately 30 hours of student activity (lectures, practice classes, exam preparation). Student obligations within the practice classes may include the preparation of seminar papers and homework, project assignments, semester and graphic papers, where each student activity during the course is monitored and evaluated according to the Rulebook on teaching, methodology for awarding ECTS credits, basics of evaluation of pre-examination obligations and student knowledge assessment which has been adopted at the Faculty level. At enrollment to the program, each student is assigned an advisor who guides them, according to their interests, in relation to choosing a particular course from elective positions, completing the professional internship and choosing a topic for their master thesis. The proposal, which is jointly completed by the student and their advisor, is adopted by the Committee for the quality of the study program. A student’s work and progress during their studies at the Faculty are monitored by the assigned advisor. The teaching process includes lectures and practice classes. At the lectures, the curriculum topics are presented with the necessary explanations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject matter using appropriate didactic means. The practice classes, which accompany the lectures, deal with specific tasks and present examples that further illustrate the material. Additional explanations of the material presented at the lectures are also given.
The students are expected to complete the obligatory professional internship in architectural offices of their choice during the study program. University classes take place in the amphitheater, computer labs and classrooms-workshops where models are made or exhibited. The teaching process involves active and interactive methods and includes lectures, exercises, mentoring, individual work, group projects, professional internship, seminar papers and consultations.
Information on master academic studies is available on the website: Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture
Head of the study program | Master Academic Studies
Bojan Tepavčević, PhD
Associate Professor
+ 381 21 485-2421

Information on master academic studies in Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture is available on the website of the Faculty of Technical Sciences: