Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture and Urbanism

Павиљон, ID pavilion, Марко Вучић, др Бојан Тепавчевић, 2021.
Сарадници: Јелена Пепић, Јелена Васиљевић, Александар Крњаић, Стефан Миловић, Зоран Отрупчак, Стефан Пејић, Никола Рађеновић
The study programme Digital Technologies, Design and Production in Architecture and Urbanism was established in 2013 at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Technical Sciences, with the focus on the application of digital technologies in architecture, urbanism, industrial design and other related disciplines.
Over the last two decades, the application of digital technologies has influenced the establishing of two diverse and completely new profiles in the field of architecture and design. The first is directed towards 3D architectural visualization, and the second towards the design and realisation of architectural objects and interior elements of complex geometric forms. MAS Digital Technologies, Design and Production was created to meet the growing demand in the application of digital technologies in architecture.
The study programme is in accordance with contemporary worldwide scientific trends and the state of the profession, i.e. with the following programmes at foreign higher education institutions: Master of Advanced Studies in CAAD, ETH, Zurich; Master in Advanced Architecture, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona; and MSc in Architectural Computation, Bartlett School of Architecture, London. The specificity of this programme in relation to other programmes in the region is the application of the latest theories and technologies in the teaching process, such as architectural visualization, parametric design, bionics in design, digital fabrication and robotics in architecture.
The study programme lasts for two semesters and is worth 60 ECTS. It includes three compulsory courses and three elective groups of courses, through which students profile themselves in relation to their own affinities. Lectures and practice classes are performed classically and in the form of block classes, as well as through diverse workshops, depending on the topic and aim of the course. Upon completion of the study, the student obtains the academic title Master of Science in Architecture (MSc Arch.).