Regional Policies and Development
Master Academic Studies

Name of the study program: Regional Policies and Development
Type of study: Master Academic Studies
Professional title: Master degree in Urbanism and Regional Development
In order to enrol, a candidate must have completed four years of undergraduate academic studies that have been evaluated with at least 240 ECTS credits. The procedures for applying, ranking and enrolling are defined by the Rulebook on enrolling students in study programs adopted at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
The structure of the one-year (two semesters) study program includes 5 required and 10 elective one-semester courses, divided into 3 elective positions: two elective positions in the first semester (one with 2 and one with 4 elective courses) and one elective position with 4 elective courses in the second semester. A student chooses one course from each elective position. The professional internship is completed in both semesters, while the second semester includes study research work as well as writing and defending a master thesis. All courses are classified into the following groups: theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and professional-applied subjects.
Required courses:
Sustainable regional development and European Union policies
Participatory processes in urban and regional planning
Economic and social aspects of regional development
Modern theories, methods and technologies in urban planning
Cities in transition – cultural, social and spatial aspects
Through elective courses, the students have the opportunities to further their individual interests by focusing on some of the offered areas.
Elective courses:
Strategic management in urban and regional planning
Metropolitan regions – development and strategies
Strategic project management
Strategic entrepreneurship
Corporate communications management
Tourism as a perspective of regional development
Landscape planning and sustainable development
Representation of a wider spatial environment
Cultural heritage in the function of urban and regional development
The content of each course is designed to allow students to study the concrete issues concerning the specifics of each area. The general outline and type of each course are given in the Curriculum of the study program.
The teaching process involves active and interactive methods and includes: lectures, practice classes, mentoring, individual work, professional internship, seminar papers and consultations. At the lectures, the curriculum material is presented through an emphasis on the discussion between the teaching staff and students, as well as with the necessary explanations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject matter using appropriate didactic means. The conditions for transfer from other study programs within similar fields are defined based on the valid study programs of the University of Novi Sad. The studies are considered completed when a student fulfils all the obligations prescribed by the study program and when he/she collects at least 60 ECTS credits (by successfully passing all exams and defending the final – master thesis).
Head of the study program Master Academic Studies
Milica Vračarić, PhD
Associate Professor
+ 381 21 485-2466