Конференције – Центар за дигитални дизајн


Центар за дигитални дизајн
Pomeren rok za prijavu na međunarodnoj naučno-stručnoj konferenciji  „Život je ozbiljan; umetnost spokojna: arhitektonsko-scenska istraživanja”

Pomeren rok za prijavu na međunarodnoj naučno-stručnoj konferenciji  „Život je ozbiljan; umetnost spokojna: arhitektonsko-scenska istraživanja”

Drage koleginice i kolege, Pomerili smo rok za predaju apstrakata i postera na međunarodnoj naučno-stručnoj konferenciji „Život je ozbiljan; umetnost spokojna: arhitektonsko-scenska istraživanja”, koja će biti održana na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, u sklopu Bijenala scenskog dizajna, od 23. do 25. oktobra. Novi rok je 15. septembar 2024. godine.
33. Session of the Summer School of Architecture in Lazaropole

33. Session of the Summer School of Architecture in Lazaropole

33. Session of the Summer School of Architecture in Lazaropole Za više informacija http://www.arh.ukim.edu.mk/
European Cultural Memory in its Digitalization – Inventing Cultural Memory in the 21st Century?

European Cultural Memory in its Digitalization – Inventing Cultural Memory in the 21st Century?

International conference Date: 6.-7.11.2024 Location: University of Graz, Austria Abstracts: 31.4.2024 extended to 19.5.2024 Organizer(s): Field of Excellence – Dimensions of Europe
INVITATION to the third GPN Global Webinar on DIGITAL SOCIETY Nov. 9th, 2021

INVITATION to the third GPN Global Webinar on DIGITAL SOCIETY Nov. 9th, 2021

It is our great pleasure and honour to have your participation in the third GPN Global Webinar organised in partnership with UNHabitat and IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Science) on "Covid-19 and Digital Society. Building resilience on innovation", which will take place on 9 November 2021.  In the first and third sessions, leading scholars from different...
Pandemics & the changing built environment- produžen rok za slanje apstrakta

Pandemics & the changing built environment- produžen rok za slanje apstrakta

Више информација на линку:
Pandemics and the changing built environment PUF2022 CFP

Pandemics and the changing built environment PUF2022 CFP

First International blended conference, on Pandemics and Urban Form, PUF2022, April 28th-30th 2022, Istanbul, TurkeyPandemics and the changing built environment Learning from history, planning our future Organised by: INTBAU, Nanjing University, University of Trento, Özyeğin University, University of Idaho, Kuwait University. 2020 was an extraordinary year for all countries in the world. The pandemic has...
Conference: ECAADE2021

Conference: ECAADE2021

ABOUT eCAADe2021 is the 39th eCAADe Conference. eCAADe  – Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe – is a non-profit making association of institutions and individuals with a common interest in promoting good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions....