Синтезни пројекат: Град који (оп, по)стаје, Милица Сурутка, 2020.
Scene Architecture, Technique and Design
Bachelor academic studies
The study programme Scene Architecture, Technique and Design enables students to gain wide knowledge concerning creation and shaping of scene architecture and techniques of producing performance. Furthermore, it influences development of creative abilities and skills necessary for realization of performing space, technical production, management and promotion of performing events.
The programme is intended for students who completed four years of secondary education in grammar school or art and technical trade schools and are interested in scene art, technical equipment, architecture and production. Also, the programme is targeted at active professionals who operate within the field of scene architecture, tehniques and design in cultural institutions and wish to further improve their knowledge and obtain formal academic education.
Scene Architecture, Scene Techniques and Scene Design are fields of studies suitable for bachelor thesis. After completing four years (8 semesters) of studies, students gain 240 ECTS and academic degree Bachelor with Honours in Scene Architecture, Technique and Design (B.Sc.Arch.Tech.Des.).
Head of the study program | Bachelor academic studies
Slađana Milićević
Assistant Professor
+ 381 21 485-2471

For more information visit the page: http://www.scen.uns.ac.rs/eng/?page_id=32